5 things I’m loving right now

  1. Love-FireFinally getting the chance to celebrate my anniversary with Tim this past weekend. We celebrated a few weeks late due to work, travels plans, etc. It was a lovely night!
  2. Buffalo chicken in the crockpot! In essence, you put raw chicken in the crockpot and then dump in Frank’s Red Hot and a packet of ranch dressing mix and let it cook away. Then you shred it and eat it with EVERYTHING! So yummy.
  3. Lazy mornings where you don’t absolutely have to jump right out of bed.
  4. Raspberry Greek yogurt mixed with Muscle Gain.
  5. All the amazing fresh fruit right now! I’m getting my fill of cherries while I can.

5 things I’m loving right now

Love-FireThe home edition!

This weekend was a bit of a whirlwind. In truth, the past several weekends have been that way. Last night I got to come home and just enjoy my home and my space for a bit. I realized just how much there is to love and how grateful I am for…

  1. Turning on my tunes, drinking someĀ Slam, and meal prepping like nobodies business!
  2. My own bathtub! Two, actually. I spent over three years without a bathtub and I’m so elated to be able to take baths whenever I want. It felt so good to sit and soak last night while drinking Rehydrate and Oasis to power down from a busy weekend.
  3. Having plenty of room to stretch out and do all sorts of self care. My neck was a little amp’d up, so I had to pull out all the stops to get it back in a good spot.
  4. How cozy, warm, inviting, and eclectic my place is. I, truly, couldn’t love it more.
  5. The fact that it’s all mine! :)

Confession Thursday

  1. Confession I really don’t like being late. And I really don’t understand other people’s nonchalance about being late. I watched several folks mosey into a workout class the other day quite late. They were totally unaffected, unapologetic, and in no rush whatsoever. It clearly didn’t matter to them one way or the other. I don’t get it. Kudos to them for owning it, I guess?
  2. I just Googled it and orientate is a word. I didn’t think it was. I thought people were mis-prounoucing orient. Regardless, I still think orientate sounds weird.
  3. Years ago I told a friend I was going through a break up. Her response was, “Congratulations on your break out!” I knew she had the best intentions saying it, but I thought some people might take that the wrong way. But she was totally right. When things don’t work out, anything for any reason, it’s really an opportunity to break out and break through. After all, none of the amazing things happening in my life right now would be happening if not for that break out. All about perspective, peeps!
  4. I love Wasa crackers.
  5. I’ve recently engaged with an online group of women who are really funny, supportive, kind, and encouraging. I’m so glad to see it and be a part of it!

5 things I’m loving right now

  1. Love-FireWhen it snows all day, but the snow doesn’t stick to the sidewalks or roads. It just covers and coats all the vegetation and buildings. So pretty but without the hassle of moving around in snow.
  2. Long drives that allow you to reflect and find areas of growth in life.
  3. Fun, light, summery scarves.
  4. Having a man in my life who understands what’s important to me, why it’s important, and then does what he can to support all of it.
  5. An afternoon spent reading and napping – just being lazy and enjoying every moment of it!

5 things I’m loving right now

  1. Love-FireHaving full belief that things happen for a reason and that things work out precisely how they’re supposed to whether we can appreciate that at the time or not.
  2. Finally getting a piece of my sister’s art framed and ready to hang on my wall! It’s been on my to-do list for WAY too long.
  3. Getting to bed at a reasonable hour for a few nights in a row. Make such a difference in how I feel the next morning.
  4. Tim.
  5. The habit of using alarms on my phone to remind me of the need to stop and do the important things during the day like count my blessings, stretch my neck, and check in on those I love.
  • About Me

    My mother is an encyclopedia of useless information (sorry, ma, but it's true) - no one can beat her at Trivial Pursuit. As I age, I become more like dear old mom everyday. I routinely tell people about resources, recipes, tips, tricks, or websites I've heard about, tried, live by, etc. until one of my clients urged me to start a blog. So here it is! My perpetual ramblings. I hope you find them useful and amusing. If you don't, you can either keep it to yourself or leave me a well constructed critique.

    I'm a former massage therapist, a freelance journalist, and a web information architect and UX designer. I enjoy yoga, the Bar Method, camping, reading, gardening, and spending time with my friends and loved ones. I live in Colorado.

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