Keeping Me Occupied

So, I’ve got a long weekend coming up and not much on the books, which I’m looking forward to! If you find yourself bored, you might think about checking out some of the sites below for a little distraction. A big sorry to the boys on here who might roll their eyes at about half of these.

  • Picture of the Day
  • 27b/6 (I gots a lotta catching up to do, but this guy is my new hero. As my brother put it, “He must spend 67 percent of his day conspiring to be a sarcastic asshole. I wish I had a third of his skill.”)
  • dlisted (if you’re easily offended, you might skip this one. If you’re not, you’re welcome.)
  • Pintrest, You Are Drunk (my mouth drops open on much of what I see on here.)
  • Daily Odd Compliment (oh, if this kid weren’t 12 years younger than me…)
  • Zodiac Facts (cuz I always learn something new.)
  • Black and WTF? (some of the coolest/creepiest/oddest stuff out there.)
  • Messy Nessy (so many odd, awesome articles and links.)

Have a great weekend!

I keep looking

I’ve recently come across a few sites that keep me going back.

  1. Maddie the Coonhound cracks me up. I’m pretty sure most of these photos are the real deal, which makes this dog very talented and patient, but there are a few that seem like they might be Photoshopped. Either way, I think this site is pretty inventive. This is my favorite:
  2. Moment Junkie is a site where a group of photographers take entries from other photographers who have captured stunning moments. Most of these are from weddings. Some of the shots are so breathtaking in their humanity, composition, and emotion.
  3. Anna Utopia Giordano is an Italian artist who created a really interesting project by modernizing old paintings of Venus using Photoshop. Essentially, she applies our current ideals of a woman’s body (slim with big boobs) to these paintings to show how things have shifted. It’s pretty interesting to look at. (Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the site to move the images from right to left.)

What stress?

So far March has kicked my ass. In like a lion, out like a lamb, right? That lamb thing can start anytime now. I know, for a fact, it will be in full swing by the time my sister and I arrive at the Orvis Hot Springs at the end of the month. I’m counting down the days, hours, minutes, seconds. Well, not really, but you get the point.

Over the past couple of weeks when I need to take a quick break and reset my stress meter I find myself looking at this site, The Daily Puppy. Don’t get me wrong, I love Stella so much I even love her guts, but this site makes me want another puppy.

I want that guy :)

Awed and emotional

Well, I have a new blog obsession. It’s called Nienie Dialogues.

Here’s all I’ll say about it (because I’m really hoping you go there and read for yourself): this woman’s story – her bravery, her honesty – is deeply touching. I’ve found myself choked up reading several of her posts. She was badly burned in a near-fatal plane crash two years ago. And while I may not share her faith (she’s mormon) in a literal sense, I share her belief that we are so much more than our physical selves and we have so much more to offer than just our physical aesthetics. I’d like to believe that I could exhibit as much grace as she does if faced with a similar situation, but I just don’t know.

You can read her full story here and listen to her tell it here.

The only downside to her blog? The center justified text. It makes it hard to read her words and so I find myself skipping around and skimming more that I might want to. So just a heads up.

Anyway, I hope you take a look. Thanks to a former co-worker for the recommendation!

Laugh until you pee

Man, sometimes there’s nothing better than a good cry. The only other thing that comes close is laughing so hard you damn near pee your pants. Last week a tip from a friend about a hilarious website brought tears of laughter to my eyes, which is the best combo of all.

The site is called Damn You Auto Correct. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? For those who don’t know what auto-correct is (aka my mom), it’s when your “smart” phone decides it knows better than you and “auto-corrects” something you’ve typed in a text. Sometimes the result is just unreal. The one that just about broke the manfriend and I is below. Just imagine us huddled over our laptop on the couch laughing and wiping away the tears while Stella looked on like, “These crazy humans. WTF?”

I could post about 50 more, but it’s just best if you go to the site and have a hearty laugh!

  • About Me

    My mother is an encyclopedia of useless information (sorry, ma, but it's true) - no one can beat her at Trivial Pursuit. As I age, I become more like dear old mom everyday. I routinely tell people about resources, recipes, tips, tricks, or websites I've heard about, tried, live by, etc. until one of my clients urged me to start a blog. So here it is! My perpetual ramblings. I hope you find them useful and amusing. If you don't, you can either keep it to yourself or leave me a well constructed critique.

    I'm a former massage therapist, a freelance journalist, and a web information architect and UX designer. I enjoy yoga, the Bar Method, camping, reading, gardening, and spending time with my friends and loved ones. I live in Colorado.

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