5 things I’m loving right now

  1. Love-FireKicking the weekend off right with good friends, good food, and a good view on the roof of The Rio.
  2. Dancing! The floor was packed and so sticky it was hard to move, so we opted for dancing amongst the tables on the carpet. So, less than ideal circumstances, but we made the best of it. It felt good to dance again and I was pleased that I seem not to have forgotten much.
  3. A picnic that included looking out over McIntosh Lake to watch the sun set behind the Rockies.
  4. An afternoon spent splashing in the water and playing in the sand at Carter Lake.
  5. Quiet, blissful evenings spent relaxing.

Confession Thursday

  1. Confession I’m on the tail-end of dealing with a foot issue since last August. I’m trying not to push it and reinjure myself, but I’m at a point where I miss dancing so much I’m going a bit stir crazy.
  2. Humidity and I are not friends. At all. I was so puffy and bloated in Aruba it was painful at times. My ankles (excuse me, my humidity induced cankles) were so bad it looked like both of them were badly sprained.
  3. I’m not a nails painted type of gal. Toenails, yes. Fingernails, no. I get irritated the minute they look chipped and somewhat crappy. I had them painted for my trip and almost instantly wanted it off my nails.
  4. I’m not a huge fan of my car. Mainly because I’m tired of driving a stick. So. So. So. Tired. But now that it’s paid off, I find myself a bit more tolerant. No car payment sure is nice!
  5. My nephew called me “Ann” the other day instead of “Auntie Annie.” I was all, “What did you call me!? Listen, kid, I’m Auntie Annie even when you’re 60 years old. Got that?” I might have gone a bit overboard…

5 things I’m loving right now

  1. Love-FireThat my niece was born quickly and safely Friday morning! She and mom are doing great. Ah, new life!
  2. Going to Rockies fireworks games with my dad. They put on a really good show!
  3. I went to a pig roast tailgate party Saturday morning. The pig had been slaughtered in Kansas Friday morning, put on a smoker, driven back to Colorado, and then smoked all night long. It was pretty amazing. The part I loved the most?  The crispy pig skin. Yes, I know that sounds gross. And it really is, if you think about it too much. But! In the moment, man, it tasted so good!
  4. Dancing. I’ve not been doing too much of it lately for various reasons, so it was nice to get in some good boot scooting!
  5. Sundays that are the perfect mix of relaxing and productive. Every day should be like that.

Move Me

It’s a funny thing. Dancing and considering myself a dancer has changed the way I listen to and react to music. I feel it now in an way I didn’t before. Lyrics and the meaning of a song are still important to me, but I now pay attention to the beat and how I would move to it as well. These are songs that are currently moving me in every way.

American Kids – Kenny Chesney (an amazing beat for a two-step!)

Meanwhile Back at Mama’s – Tim McGraw (speaks to how I’d like life to look at some point.)

Day Drinking – Little Big Town (just a fun little beat that makes me want to move!)

Sweet Annie – Zach Brown Band (for some reason, this song seems to be my life lately. And that feeling goes beyond the obvious name of the song. It’s as though someone is singing this to me, but I don’t know it yet…)

Love Runs Out – OneRepublic (super cool video, as well.)

System – Archive (the lead singer is an old friend from my youth. This song totally pumps me up.)



Confession Thursday

Confession The “kinda awesome” edition:

  1. There are days when I leave my house at 8:30 a.m. knowing I won’t make it back before 11 p.m. I leave with my purse, food bag, laptop bag, workout bag, and clothes for dancing. Days like that will require three outfit changes, a mid-day shower after working out, and four meals outside of my house. I leave feeling like a bag lady who lives in her car. It’s kinda awesome.
  2. Somewhere over the past eight months I’ve stop letting emotions factor in when making decisions about food. I almost always make the healthy choice and cheat meals are generally planned instead of an occurrence of happenstance based on emotion. It’s kinda awesome.
  3. I’m finding things I’m really good at in CrossFit. Yes, I once professed I would NEVER do CrossFit. (Reason #432 why “never” is a bad word choice.) Anyway, I’m really enjoying it and feeling very empowered. It’s kinda awesome.
  4. It’s been raining here everyday for a few months now. Things are lush and green. The state isn’t on fire like it has been over the past few summers. The temperatures have been cooler than in recent years. It’s kinda awesome.
  5. While this year is flying by, it means the workweek is also flying by so it feels like there’s less time in between busy weekends. It’s kinda awesome.
  • About Me

    My mother is an encyclopedia of useless information (sorry, ma, but it's true) - no one can beat her at Trivial Pursuit. As I age, I become more like dear old mom everyday. I routinely tell people about resources, recipes, tips, tricks, or websites I've heard about, tried, live by, etc. until one of my clients urged me to start a blog. So here it is! My perpetual ramblings. I hope you find them useful and amusing. If you don't, you can either keep it to yourself or leave me a well constructed critique.

    I'm a former massage therapist, a freelance journalist, and a web information architect and UX designer. I enjoy yoga, the Bar Method, camping, reading, gardening, and spending time with my friends and loved ones. I live in Colorado.

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