5 things I’m loving right now

  1. Love-FireMy sleeping bag coat. Seriously, this thing is like wearing a sleeping bag. It’s far from flattering, but on mornings when the temp is 6 degrees, I really don’t care how I look!
  2. Buying new plants. I moved recently and my new place is WAY bigger than the last place, so I have plenty of room for all sorts of new plants. I love growing plants.
  3. The short rib tacos at The Roost in Longmont.
  4. My family. They’re pretty great.
  5. When the gifts you give are a hit. My niece Farrah was besotted with the Ana costume I gave her for Christmas.

Confession Thursday

  1. Confession I’ve started missing doing these.
  2. I can never remember if Christmas is on the 25th or 26th. I know, I know.
  3. I just bought my first place and it’s SO much bigger than the apartment I’ve been in for three years that I sometimes find myself spinning in circles trying to remember where everything is. It seems like a mansion to me!
  4. I think I’m developing an addiction to crockpot cooking. It’s so gratifying to spend so little time prepping only to return home to a home cooked meal ready and waiting.
  5. I’m partly doing this again for my mom. Love you.

Confession Thursday

  1. Confession I’m on the tail-end of dealing with a foot issue since last August. I’m trying not to push it and reinjure myself, but I’m at a point where I miss dancing so much I’m going a bit stir crazy.
  2. Humidity and I are not friends. At all. I was so puffy and bloated in Aruba it was painful at times. My ankles (excuse me, my humidity induced cankles) were so bad it looked like both of them were badly sprained.
  3. I’m not a nails painted type of gal. Toenails, yes. Fingernails, no. I get irritated the minute they look chipped and somewhat crappy. I had them painted for my trip and almost instantly wanted it off my nails.
  4. I’m not a huge fan of my car. Mainly because I’m tired of driving a stick. So. So. So. Tired. But now that it’s paid off, I find myself a bit more tolerant. No car payment sure is nice!
  5. My nephew called me “Ann” the other day instead of “Auntie Annie.” I was all, “What did you call me!? Listen, kid, I’m Auntie Annie even when you’re 60 years old. Got that?” I might have gone a bit overboard…

5 things I’m loving right now

  1. Love-FireThe smell of spring. All we’ve had for the last week is cold, gray, rainy days, which is getting kind of old. But the fresh green smell of everything coming alive is worth it.
  2. This song. I have the CD in my car right now and I’ve been playing this song on repeat for days. It makes me so happy! Not to mention the lyrics really speak to me right now.
  3. A Sunday afternoon with my family. I love those people. I’m so lucky to consider my family some of my best buddies.
  4. The way my niece says your name with everything. “Thank you, Annie Annie.” “Love you, Annie Annie.” “Please, Annie Annie.” It’s so cute!  (I’m Annie Annie to her instead of Auntie Annie.)
  5. People who fill you up and bring in happiness.

5 things I’m loving right now

  1. Love-FireThe excitement my niece has when she sees me.
  2. Experiencing an amazingly powerful and inspirational weekend with some of my favorite people at the AdvoCare regional conference.
  3. Effortlessly thoughtful people. Do you know anyone like that? Where it’s just so obvious that being thoughtful is inherent and without any agenda whatsoever? If not, let me tell you that it’s pretty amazing.
  4. Falling asleep while being read to. Now I know why kids love it so much. Very soothing.
  5. People with vision and the cojones to take a leap of faith. It’s a scary thing to do, but great things usually result. Even if it’s great lessons on what not to do the next time you leap! Upshot – the leap is worth it.
  • About Me

    My mother is an encyclopedia of useless information (sorry, ma, but it's true) - no one can beat her at Trivial Pursuit. As I age, I become more like dear old mom everyday. I routinely tell people about resources, recipes, tips, tricks, or websites I've heard about, tried, live by, etc. until one of my clients urged me to start a blog. So here it is! My perpetual ramblings. I hope you find them useful and amusing. If you don't, you can either keep it to yourself or leave me a well constructed critique.

    I'm a former massage therapist, a freelance journalist, and a web information architect and UX designer. I enjoy yoga, the Bar Method, camping, reading, gardening, and spending time with my friends and loved ones. I live in Colorado.

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