#Reverb11 – Learn

{For the month of December a fellow blogger, Melanie, and I are leading  #reverb11 – an online initiative that prompts people to reflect on the past year and look towards the new one.}

December 11. Learn: What did you learn to do or make in 2011? What would you like to learn to do or make in 2012?

I’ve never been the crafty type. I’ll look at craft ideas or DIY stuff online and think, “Well heck! I could make that, right? How cute!” And then I never do. I think it’s because I get nervous that I’ll royally screw it up and will have wasted time and money.

I resisted Pintrest for several months in an effort to avoid yet another online time sink. Then I gave in and saw things like this and this. And I loved them and so I made them. Successfully, which has given me confidence to make other things.

Next year, I will be making the following things:

What did you make this year? What are you planning on making in 2012?

How to clean with oil

So, I did an odd thing this weekend. I gave myself an oil facial. Seems counter-intuitive, right?

Well, let me tell you, my skin felt amazing afterwards! It felt soft and hydrated. And the key to good skin around these dry parts is hydration. I once had a dermatologist tell me that you can take the same woman, same amount of wrinkles, and she will always look more youthful if her skin is hydrated.

Now, if you have finicky skin that runs and bit oily anyways, there’s a blend for that, so no worries. I would encourage you to check out this site for more details.

As a note, I chose to steam my skin over a pot of hot water on the stove versus applying a hot towel – just personal preference I guess. Unlike the woman in the post linked above, I’m not sure I’ll do this on a daily basis as my cleanser, but I’ll definitely do it a few times a week.

5 things I’m loving right now…

Well, today marks my fifth day off of work in a row. All I can say is aaaaaahhhhhh! This past weekend was great! We enjoyed a nice holiday on Thursday and then plenty of rest and relaxation mixed in with getting stuff done. My parents have been out of town, so we’ve been watching their new pooch, Yaya (more on that later), and she and Stella have been a delight. Here are my favorite bits:

  1. A lovely meal prepared by the manfriend and I and shared with good peeps. Somehow we timed everything perfectly and cooked at a pace that made it a relaxing day.
  2. Long walks with Stella and Yaya. The weather was amazing and these two girls walk well together.
  3. An afternoon at the movies to see Breaking Dawn. Yes, I’m a Twilight fan. NOT a Twihard, just a fan. It’s a pretty good movie, ya’ll.
  4. A relaxing afternoon making these. I still can not manage to make this without all the hex nuts going wonky. It’s about to drive me mad!
  5. Leftovers. We’ve had a lovely soup and some amazing tacos with our leftovers. What did you do with your leftovers?

Help! Which one?

I’ve been wanting a new, brown leather bag for a while. I think I might just need to cave. But I’d like your opinions, please…






Farm to Table 2011

Man, I just love this concept! What’s more fun than eating on a farm? Eating food from that farm picked hours before, that’s what!

Last year the manfriend and I attended our first farm to table dinner at the Ollin Farms in Longmont and had a blast. So we decided to do it again this year. Same date (no better way to celebrate the Summer Solstice), some of the same people (some new ones), and another great gustatory experience.

They’ve also made some changes this year. A new wood structure replaces the large tent we sat under last year. And you can now take a tractor driven hay ride down to the dinner instead of walking. It’s pretty cute!

Mixed greens, spinach, artichokes, cherry tomatoes, feta, Bermuda onions, and Greek dressing

Chicken Mirabella (bone-in chicken braised in olive oil, Spanish olives, dried plums, bay leaf, capers, brown sugar, and white wine), slow roasted meat and napa cabbage rolls, polenta with warm cream and Gorgonzola, sauteed kale and carrots

Strawberry and rhubarb cobbler with balsamic gelato

Our appetizer was lasagna de pesto, buttered baguette with shaved radish and Hakurei turnips, and a sauteed mix of dell mushrooms, asparagus and hon tsai tai. The lack of photo is due to my crummy camera, which did this no justice at all.

I think this is going to be one of the easiest-to-maintain annual traditions I’ve ever tried to start! If you decide to go, just a heads up that tickets go fast. Three of the six dinners for this summer are already sold out.

Photo credits to Elizabeth Lock. My camera crapped out and she was gracious enough to help me out. I’m so appreciative!

  • About Me

    My mother is an encyclopedia of useless information (sorry, ma, but it's true) - no one can beat her at Trivial Pursuit. As I age, I become more like dear old mom everyday. I routinely tell people about resources, recipes, tips, tricks, or websites I've heard about, tried, live by, etc. until one of my clients urged me to start a blog. So here it is! My perpetual ramblings. I hope you find them useful and amusing. If you don't, you can either keep it to yourself or leave me a well constructed critique.

    I'm a former massage therapist, a freelance journalist, and a web information architect and UX designer. I enjoy yoga, the Bar Method, camping, reading, gardening, and spending time with my friends and loved ones. I live in Colorado.

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