In the back

We had some amazing rain storms this past weekend. I know it meant flooding for some, which just totally stinks (why is it one or the other, Colorado? Why can’t you be moderate?), but we were unaffected and got to just bask in it’s power.

After large storms Friday night, I spent Saturday morning in the yard taking in the smell and coolness the rains brought. I also took some pictures of the plants going crazy in my pots.

I have two clumps of pots on opposite sides of the deck. Each side gets very different sun and, therefore, very different plants.

On one side (various colors):

Look, ma! I’m growing Impatiens!

Coleus going crazy! I love those leaves!

I’ve only just recently come to love marigolds. Just look how bright and happy they look!

And on the other side (all pinks):

I love hot pink geraniums!

And hot pink petunias!

A pot of Lantana and Calibrachoa.

Could Lantana be prettier?

So vibrant and bright!

Fruits of his labor

From another evening nightgown harvesting session with the manfriend and Stella, who likes when we feed her raspberries, but not peas.

Green all around

The heat has been really bad around here lately. And Colorado is dealing with some major fires right now that have the state covered in an ashy haze. Between those two things we’ve been shutting up the house during the day and running the A/C.

In the morning, I’ll turn on the whole-house fan in order to pull in as much cool morning as possible through our open windows and then I baton down the hatches, even drawing the curtains, to try to retain as much of that cool air as possible before the A/C kicks on at about 78 degrees. Yeah, still a bit toasty in the house, but better than the 95-100 degree temps outside!

Closing the curtains means that the majority of our house plants (save a few rooms and the basement) need somewhere to go to get sun. So out on the screened-in patio they sit.

It’s odd not to have them in the house and it feels a bit empty without them inside. But it sure does make our screened-in patio pleasant!

5 things I’m loving right now

This seemed like an odd weekend. Saturday hardly felt like a day off I was so busy. And then Sunday was equal parts pleasant (breakfast with my parents and the manfriend for Father’s Day) and grueling (the heat and yoga that made my headache much worse). But hey, who can complain about a few days off? There was, as always, plenty to love.

  1. A shorter ‘do for the summer. I didn’t chop a ton of hair off, but just enough that it feels cooler.
  2. The newest BBC version of Sherlock Holmes staring Benedict Cumberbatch (hilarious name, right?) as Holmes. It’s available on Netflix if you’re interested.
  3. Tasting day at Vitamin Cottage. Meant a larger crowd, but also meant trying out some yummy stuff!
  4. I’m learning to meditate and I really love how relaxed and peaceful I feel after.
  5. Hanging in the garden in my nightgown picking sugar snap peas, snow peas, and shelled peas in the evening with the manfriend.

Color everywhere

I’ve been spending the last couple of weekends planting some flowers around the yard. As part of Operation Less Grass, More Awesome I do plan on planting a bunch of perennials, but I do really like the season-long color that annuals bring to the yard. Therefore, I plant those in planters and whatnot. Here’s the front of the house so far.

Yes, that’s fake grass on our front stairs. I do plan on removing that some day, but I’m scared as hell as to what might be beneath it. Part of me wonders if we should just root some plastic pink flamingos in yard and own it.

  • About Me

    My mother is an encyclopedia of useless information (sorry, ma, but it's true) - no one can beat her at Trivial Pursuit. As I age, I become more like dear old mom everyday. I routinely tell people about resources, recipes, tips, tricks, or websites I've heard about, tried, live by, etc. until one of my clients urged me to start a blog. So here it is! My perpetual ramblings. I hope you find them useful and amusing. If you don't, you can either keep it to yourself or leave me a well constructed critique.

    I'm a former massage therapist, a freelance journalist, and a web information architect and UX designer. I enjoy yoga, the Bar Method, camping, reading, gardening, and spending time with my friends and loved ones. I live in Colorado.

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