5 things I’m loving right now

  1. Love-FireThis article in response to people who’ve alluded that I’m too picky.
  2. Spending some time with my family this weekend for Father’s Day. I really love those people.
  3. Jergen’s sunless tanning lotion because it a) works (two days in and suddenly my legs don’t look like they belong to Casper the Friendly Ghost) and b) it doesn’t smell funky.
  4. Women who lift other women up instead of tearing them down.
  5. Irony and karma. I never wish ill on another person, but sometimes irony and karma make themselves known in very overt ways and one can’t help but feel a tad satisfied.


So, on top of doing the 24 Day Challenge (and continuing to use various products ever since) I also started using the Reverse Regimen from Rodan + Fields in the past month.

Rodan + Fields are the two dermatologists who came up with Proactive many years ago. They decided to come up with an extended line for various skin types and needs.

Through an old high school friend of mine, I purchased the Redefine Regimen in hopes of getting rid of some dark spots on my cheeks. As I’ve said before, I’ve taken really good care of my skin ever since I was a kid and diagnosed with vitiligo. Regardless, I’ve been battling some dark spots on my cheeks for years!

I’ve only been using the regimen for a month and I’m already noticing amazing results! My skin tone is more even and my face is so soft. And those dark spots are so much lighter that I hardly consider them an issue anymore!

My plan is to use this particular regimen for a few more months and then start using the Redefine Regimen to keep wrinkles (of which I’m very lucky to have few of at this point) at bay. Never hurts to get a jump on the scenario.

If you’re interested in learning more about the products, Jennifer is a great person to contact. Her site is here and if you’d like to contact her directly you can do so at jenniferbetbadal@gmail.com or 310-709-7138. Tell her I sent you!

5 things I’m loving right now

  1. lovehandThis hilarious woman recently coined a new term…manwad. It’s like nimwad, but a specific reference to men. I love it.
  2. Downpours complete with thunder and lightening.
  3. Dresses that are so comfortable it’s like wearing a nightgown. I only wore dresses such as these to work last week. I’m all about being as comfortable as possible when it’s that FREAKING HOT!
  4. This lotion. It’s helping me appear less Casper-the-Friendly-Ghost-ish. However, I’ll admit that I’m still pretty damned white. But that’s not Jergen’s fault.
  5. Sticking to my guns, even when it’s really hard to do.

5 things I’m loving right now

  1. lovehandThis lotion from Alba with SPF 15 right in it. It isn’t greasy or stinky. It soaks right in and it doesn’t leave a white film. Plus it’s pretty hydrating. It’s my new fave!
  2. Jalapenos stuffed with cream cheese, wrapped in bacon, and then cooked on the grill. Unreal.
  3. Spending a leisurely day trolling about Boulder with some lovely ladies.
  4. A fun night at The Grizzle Rose. Some nights are just better than others.
  5. Being helpful to a dear friend. It feels good to do good for others.

Injuring Yourself on Purpose

I’ve started doing something odd. I’ve started using something called a Derma Roller.

Basically, it’s this little thing that looks like a rolling pin on a handle. The rolling pin is covered in tiny, but quite sharp, needles. You take this sucker and roll it all over your face with the express purpose of damaging your skin. No, I’ve not lost my mind.

The whole idea is that by damaging your skin you kick-start the healing process – a process that includes bring more collagen to the area. Collagen equals  a more youthful appearance by giving the skin more elasticity, less wrinkles, and so on.

According to this site, the Derma Roller can help with:

  • Stretch Mark Removal and Stretch Mark Treatment
  • Acne Scar Removal
  • Anti Wrinkle Treatment / Anti Aging
  • Hair Loss Treatment or Hair Restoration
  • Surgical Scar Removal

This whole concept makes sense to me because of the Prolo therapy I’ve undergone for my injuries from my accidents. It sounds odd, but sometimes injury and the resulting healing that comes from it can be very powerful and rejuvenating. Whoa. That was profound, huh? (Har.)

What I know is this – I’ve been using the Derma Roller for over a month now, on a somewhat regular basis, and I definitely see results. So far, the dark spots I was starting to get on my cheeks have gotten lighter, my skin tone has evened out, and I have a glow and softness to my skin that I’ve not had in a long time. But I’ll not lie – it’s not without some pain. My first time using this was pretty uncomfortable, but I’ve gotten used to it and it hardly bothers me now. All in all, the discomfort is worth the benefits I’m seeing.

I purchased a Derma Roller here (a great site for info on this process and it’s benefits), but you can find them a lot cheaper on Amazon.com. I’ll head that route when the one I have gets dull and needs to be replaced. Please let me know if you try this out and how it goes for you!

  • About Me

    My mother is an encyclopedia of useless information (sorry, ma, but it's true) - no one can beat her at Trivial Pursuit. As I age, I become more like dear old mom everyday. I routinely tell people about resources, recipes, tips, tricks, or websites I've heard about, tried, live by, etc. until one of my clients urged me to start a blog. So here it is! My perpetual ramblings. I hope you find them useful and amusing. If you don't, you can either keep it to yourself or leave me a well constructed critique.

    I'm a former massage therapist, a freelance journalist, and a web information architect and UX designer. I enjoy yoga, the Bar Method, camping, reading, gardening, and spending time with my friends and loved ones. I live in Colorado.

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